A North Node in the Cancer sign of nurturance: "My soul's path to fulfillment”
A life's mission as seen through the eyes of the Cancer sign of the zodiac...

What's your Soul's Path?
"My soul mission is to be a Cancer!"
What does that mean?
Well, before I answer that question, I guess I should first present the
'official' version of the Cancer Sign North Node position and what it
means for the individual who 'owns' it. According to my friend and
colleague Linda Brady, in her book "Discovering Your Soul Mission ," a Cancer North Node individual is the spiritual mother (metaphorically speaking). Emotional,
sensitive, maternal, and home-loving, with an Earth Mother orientation,
those with a Soul Potential (North Node) in Cancer often want to create
a nest for nurturing and tending to those they love. Highly
intuitive, they are devoted to supporting the child in all of us and
are able to express their deepest feelings, unafraid of showing their
vulnerability. Archetypes:
.the mother;
.the feminine nature;
.the guardian of the home;
.the gourmet cook.
Can you relate to the description above? If
yes, good for you! That means that you've begun to move toward your
soul mission, or in other words, toward your North Node Potential. If
however, you can't relate to anything I've just said, that's OK too.
Remember, you may not immediately identify with the description of your
North Node because it does not correspond to what's familiar to you.
Rather, it signifies who you need to be and the energies your soul
wants you to bring into your life to make it more fulfilling. Incorporating
a Node's energy into your life is a time consuming and gradual process
that requires a bit of persistence and patience.
So, back to your original question - What does having a Cancer soul mission really mean? Do you want to hear the long version or the short one? That's what I thought! OK then, for now, we'll just begin with 10 key takeaway points.
As you look them over, I want you to think about how you can begin to
incorporate these ideas into your life. Don't rush, however, and try to
do everything at once. Take your time...try them out one by one...and you'll see yourself 'blossom' right in front of your eyes.
1. Nurture yourself
2. Connect to your emotions, don't repress them
3. Identify with the 'child' part of you, not the 'adult'
4. Let go of the need for control and achievement...the EARTH (Capricorn) will still be beneath your feet.
5. Trust what you feel -
"Don't be afraid of the WATER (Cancer), for it is the 'water' that is
the emotion that you feel deep within. Take care of it and NURTURE it!"
6. Surround yourself with people who make you feel safe.
7. Incorporate Cancer symbols into your daily life to remind yourself of your mission.
8. Create a home that you love...cook....provide nurturance...live near water...CONNECT to life.
9. Create the Family (literal or not) that your soul desperately yearns for.
10. And most importantly, become the 'Earth Mother' that you are meant to be!
Now, if your significant other is the one with the Cancer soul mission, then it will be your job to help him develop and materialize his potential. You can start by filling his life with the energy of all things ruled by the Cancer sign. Surround his living space with
Cancer symbols
...feed him
Cancer foods
...take him on
Cancer vacations
and fill his life with any other Cancer Sign trinkets that you can think of. Do
anything and everything you can to remind him of and support him on his
Cancer journey. It is one of the greatest things that you could ever do
for him - a gift of a true soul-mate!
Special Note: A man who has a North Node in the sign of
Cancer might need a bit of extra understanding and support. Why you
ask? Well, because not all men will feel comfortable undertaking the
role of the 'Earth Mother.' And you, the female spouse, who more than
anything wants a 'manly man' to take care of her, might actually need
to fulfill that role instead.
There is a chance that your man's
soul might want him to stay at home. His mission in this life might be
to take care of you and your kids, to build a warm and inviting home
environment, and to be a stay-at-home-mom.
that is the case in your relationship, you MUST make an effort to make
that happen for him, because if you don't, the two of you will miss out
on a lifetime full of true romancing bliss!
Bit of caution: Don't be a doormat for your man.
Supporting him doesn't mean doing things you don't feel comfortable
with. In relationships, it's important to have discussions to
understand your partner's needs and the motivations behind them. You
also have to understand yours. The outcome may be a compromise.
Now, if you have the desire and will
to do that for your mate, good for you. And please don't worry if
you're feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next, that's
perfectly natural. This
stuff is sometimes too much even for the seasoned professional. So I
congratulate you for simply being here and having the desire to try.
If you find that you do need a little help, a little help is what I have for you. The
spiritual path report
can answer most of your questions regarding your mate's personality and
would be a great tool to have as you work on supporting his journey
from a Capricorn South Node (soul pattern) to a Cancer North Node (soul
Having a clear idea of who your
partner is on a personality level will make it that much easier to
figure out where he's headed on a soul level. Translation: less work
for you! ;-)
Once you feel comfortable,
and are ready to proceed, take a look at the table below and try to
identify the specific Capricorn sign traits he’s trying to leave behind
and the Cancer sign traits that he’s trying to master (table below
compliments of "Discovering Your Soul Mission "
by Linda Brady and Evan St. Lifer):
Capricorn sign: (old patterns)---> Cancer sign: (new possibilities):
• Materialistic..........................................................Nurturing
• Rigid..................................................................Sensitive
• Overly Ambitious...................................................Intuitive
• Obsessed with past................................................Emotional
• Pessimistic......................................................Focuses on home
• Unresponsive.........................................................Maternal
• Stern.................................................................Empathetic
• Disciplinarian........................................................Devoted
• Always needs rules...............................................Values family
• Overly cautious.....................................................Faithful
• Arrogant...............................................................Supportive
• Stubborn...............................................................Tenacious
• Brooding...............................................................Protective
• Insensitive............................................................Romantic
As I mentioned before, if you look over this list and notice any of the
Cancer traits peeking through your man's personality, it will be your
job to try to understand and support them. If he decides that he wants
to take cooking lessons - support him. If he wants to volunteer at a
shelter taking care of the elderly - support him. If he wants to share
his feeling with you on ANY subject - support him. You get the idea, right? SUPPORT HIM!
Once the both of you decide on, learn how to, and commit to doing that
for each other, there will be no question in either of your minds that
you have found your 'true' soul-mate, the soul-mate of your life!
Are you ready to surprise your man in ways he never could have imagined? Want to create an environment where he can really flourish? Wonderful! By
utilizing the insights provided below in combination with your own
imagination, you will not only succeed in inspiring him, but will also
simultaneously reward yourself as well.
Let's get started!
The North Node in Cancer Action Guide:
1. Crystals and stones
2. Home Design
3. Symbols
4. Foods
5. 3 C's: Countries, Cities, and Colors
6. Aromas
Coming soon!
7. Music
I know that after exploring all of
these links, you'll feel a bit overwhelmed. I realize that it's quite a
bit of information to absorb all at once. But I assure you that it will
be well worth the effort.
Incorporating 'little Cancer
reminders' into your daily life will not only help you move closer to
the Cancer soul mission, but will undoubtedly assist you in discovering
true domestic bliss! Try it and be the judge yourself!
There is one other important point that I'd like to mention
- something that applies to both you and your partner (depending on
which one of you has this nodal position, possibly the both of you). You
might recall that I initially said that part of the Cancer soul mission
is to move forward, away from the Capricorn South Node characteristics.
But, I would like to clarify that and let you know that it doesn't mean
that the positive Capricorn traits have to be discarded. It took
lifetimes for you to develop the person that's here today, hard work
that shouldn't be ignored or forgotten.
The key is to fuse the positive traits that you brought with you from the past with the current ambitions reflected by your North Node position.
The point is to develop a
personality that's truly integrated. Our past is as much a part of us
as our future, so be wise and use all the 'gifts' that you've
accumulated - the world needs ALL of you!
The following is a list of 'trait combinations'
that I started for you. It combines two traits from each sign leading
to a holistic integration of both polarities. I want you to use the
words on the list to remind yourself of the type of person you want to
become and for harnessing the unique Cancer mission that you're here to
Please don't think, however, that
this list says it all. I want you to continue adding to it until it
describes ALL that you want to become. Once that's done, you can refer
back to it anytime you feel a bit lost or off track. The
road is not always without bumps, so be patient. You WILL become the
YOU that you've always dreamed of - I have faith in you!

You can begin by combining within yourself the... . Maternal Cancer sign with the Capricorn sign of Fatherhood to become the 'Maternal Father'
. Cancer sign of Support with the Capricorn sign of the Executive to become the 'Supportive Executive'
. Cancer sign of Empathy with the Disciplined sign of Capricorn to become the 'Empathetic Disciplinarian'
. Supportive Cancer sign with the Realistic Capricorn sign to become the model for 'Supportive Realist'
. Cancer sign of Family Devotion with the Capricorn sign of Commitment to become the 'Family STONE' for your clan
. Home loving Cancer sign with the Professional Capricorn sign to become the 'Home Loving Professional'
. Patriotic Cancer sign with the Traditional Capricorn sign and become the 'Patriotic Traditionalist'
. Cancer sign of Intuition with the Capricorn sign of Ambition to develop 'Intuitive Ambition' within you
. Child-like Cancer sign with the Father-like Capricorn sign to become the 'Child-like Father'
. Maternal Cancer sign with the Self Reliant Capricorn sign to become the 'Self-reliant Mother'
. Loyal Cancer sign with the Hardworking Capricorn sign to become the 'Loyal Hard-worker'
. Nurturing Cancer sign with the Disciplinarian sign of Capricorn to become the 'Nurturing Disciplinarian'
. Emotional Cancer sign with the Prudent Capricorn sign to become 'Emotionally Prudent'
. Cancer sign of Empathy with the Realistic sign of Capricorn to become the 'Empathetic Realist'
. Cancer sign of the Tradition with the Capricorn sign of Integrity to become the symbol for 'Traditional Integrity'
The rest of the list is up to you to finish!
Sorry to leave you hanging like
that. But in order for me to go deeper into your specific motivations,
I need to know your exact birth data. Otherwise, I would be no
different than the tabloids - offering you information that that
describes not only you, but the millions of people born under the sign
of Cancer as well. Wouldn't be too enlightening, would it?!
Well, that's it for now.
Remember - "Always nourish the soul and RomanceIt!"

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