A North Node in the Virgo sign of Service: "My soul's path to fulfillment
A life's mission as seen through the eyes of the Virgo sign of the zodiac...

Note: 'Special Greeting for Gentlemen only!' click here
a Virgo North Node individual is the Practical Healer. Those with a Soul Potential in Virgo strive to be organized, analytical, logical, and precise. Their mission is to serve humanity, especially on health issues. Efficient and dependable, they can be highly discriminating and are able to prioritize their lives and help others do the same. They should be teaching others about order and service, and they need to learn the true meaning of perfection in order to truly value themselves. Archetypes include:
the nurse;
the accountant;
the business planner;
harvest time.
Can you relate to the description above? If yes, good for you! That means that youve begun to move toward your soul mission, or in other words, toward your North Node Potential. If however, you cant relate to anything Ive just said, thats OK too. Remember, you may not immediately identify with the description of your North Node because it does not correspond to whats familiar to you. Rather, it signifies who you need to be and the energies your soul wants you to bring into your life to make it more fulfilling.
Note: If youre feeling a bit lost and have absolutely no idea what Im talking about, I strongly recommend that you first take a look at the
zodiac compatibility
article. I think its important to go over the basics so that you can get the most out of what youre reading here. Just a suggestion! OH...if youve already read the zodiac compatibility introduction, then skip this suggestion. :-)
So...back to your original question What does having a Virgo soul mission really mean? Do you want to hear the long version or the short one? Thats what I thought! :-) OK then, for now, well just begin with 10 key takeaway points. As you look them over, I want you to think about how you can begin to incorporate these ideas into your life. Dont rush and try to do everything at once. Take your time...try them out one by one...and you will see yourself blossom right in front of your eyes.
1. Accept the reality of daily life.
2. Learn the way of the healer... help others heal their pain and in turn, heal your own.
3. Connect to your inner PERFECTION.
4. Pursue life with Clarity.
5. Learn to be modest, practical, and precise... your talent is to make sense out of the chaos for yourself and for others.
6. Focus your energies on serving others... there is no clearer path to your happiness!
7. Find comfort in your ability to heal others.
8. Surround yourself with people who will support and appreciate your analytical and organizational abilities.
9. Incorporate Virgo symbols into your daily life to remind yourself of your mission.
10. And most importantly, become the Practical Healer that you are meant to be!
Now, if your significant other is the one with the Virgo soul mission, then it will be your job to help him develop and materialize his potential. You can start by filling his life with the energy of all things ruled by the Virgo sign. Surround his living space with
Virgo symbols
...feed him
Virgo foods
...take him on
Virgo vacations
and fill his life with any other Virgo Sign trinkets that you can think of. Do anything and everything you can to remind him of and support him on his Virgo journey. It is one of the greatest things that you could ever do for him a gift of a true soul-mate!
Now, if you have the desire and will to do that for your mate, good for you. And please don't worry if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next, that's perfectly natural. This stuff is sometimes too much even for the seasoned professional. So I congratulate you for simply being here and having the desire to try.
If you find that you do need a little help, a little help is what I have for you. The
spiritual path report
can answer most of your questions regarding your mate's personality and would be a great tool to have as you work on supporting his journey from a Pisces South Node (soul pattern) to a Virgo North Node (soul potential).
Having a clear idea of who your partner is on a personality level will make it that much easier to figure out where he's headed on a soul level. Translation: less work for you! ;-)
Once you feel comfortable, and are ready to proceed, take a look at the table below and try to identify the specific Pisces sign traits hes trying to leave behind and the Virgo sign traits that hes trying to master (table below compliments of "Discovering Your Soul Mission "
by Linda Brady and Evan St. Lifer):
Pisces sign: (old patterns)-------->Virgo sign: (new possibilities):
Feels Inadequate
Easily deceived
..........Practical healer
Wounded healer
As I mentioned before, if you look over this list and notice any of the Virgo traits peeking through your mans personality, it will be your job to understand and support them. For instance, if he wants to write a novel support him. If he wants to volunteer at a local shelter support him. If he wants to reorganize the house support him. If he wants both of you to start a new health regiment support him. You get the idea, right? SUPPORT HIM! Once the both of you decide on, learn how to, and commit to doing that for each other, there will be no question in either of your minds that you have found your true soul-mate, the soul-mate of your life!
Are you ready to surprise your man in ways he never could have imagined? Want to create an environment where he can really flourish? Wonderful! By utilizing the insights provided below in combination with your own imagination, you will not only succeed in inspiring him, but will also simultaneously reward yourself as well.
Lets get started!
The North Node in Virgo Action Guide:
1. Crystals and stones
2. Home design
3. Symbols
4. Foods
5. 3 C's - Countries, Cities and Colors
6. Aromas
Coming soon!
7. Music
I know that after exploring all of these links, youll feel a bit overwhelmed. I realize that its quite a bit of information to absorb all at once. But I assure you that it will be well worth the effort. Incorporating little Virgo reminders into your daily life will not only help you move closer to the Virgo souls mission, but will undoubtedly assist you in discovering true domestic bliss! Try it and be the judge yourself!
There is one other important point that Id like to mention something that applies to both you and your partner (depending on which one of you has this nodal position...possibly the both of you). You might recall that I initially said that part of the Virgo soul mission is to move forward, away from the Pisces South Node characteristics. But, I would like to clarify that and let you know that it doesnt mean that the positive Pisces traits have to be discarded. It took lifetimes for you to develop the person thats here today, hard work that shouldnt be ignored or forgotten.
The key is to fuse the positive traits that you brought with you from the past with the current ambitions reflected by your North Node position. The point is to develop a personality thats truly integrated. Our past is as much a part of us as our future, so be wise and use all the gifts that youve accumulated the world needs ALL of you!
The following is a list of trait combinations that I started for you. It combines two traits from each sign leading to a holistic integration of both polarities. I want you to use the words on the list to remind yourself of the type of person you want to become and for harnessing the unique Virgo mission that youre here to fulfill.
Please dont think, however, that this list says it all. I want you to continue adding to it until it describes ALL that you want to become. Once thats done, you can refer back to it anytime you feel a bit lost or off track. The road is not always without bumps, so be patient. You WILL become the YOU that youve always dreamed of I have faith in you!

You can start by combining within yourself the...
Virgo sign of Service with the Pisces sign of Compassion to become the Compassionate Servant
Virgo sign of Logic with the Pisces sign of Introspection to become a master of Logical Introspection
Efficient Virgo sign with the Flowing Pisces sign to become Flowingly Efficient
Virgo sign of Health with the Pisces sign of Emotion to feel Emotionally Healthy
Virgo sign of Modesty with the Pisces sign of Sacrifice to be Modestly Sacrificing
Discriminating Virgo sign with the Romantic Pisces sign to become Discriminatingly Romantic
Practical Virgo sign with the Idealistic Pisces sign to become the Practical Idealist
Virgo sign of Thoroughness with the Pisces sign of Reflection to capture the essence of Thorough Reflection
Perfection seeking Virgo sign with the Pisces sign of Spirituality to know the power of Spiritual Perfection
Virgo sign of Humility with the Pisces sign of Artistry to be a Humble Artisan
Virgo sign of Logic with the Pisces sign of Adaptability to become Logically Adaptable
Virgo sign of Perfection with the Pisces sign of Musicality to experience Musical Perfection
Conscientious Virgo sign with the Psychic Pisces sign to become Conscientiously Psychic
Scientific Virgo sign with the Artistic Pisces sign to become Scientifically Artistic
Virgo sign of Dependability with the Pisces sign of Forgiveness to offer Dependable Forgiveness to all
The rest of the list is up to you to finish!
Sorry to leave you hanging like that. But in order for me to go deeper into your specific motivations, I need to know your exact birth data. Otherwise, I would be no different than the tabloids offering you information that that describes not only you, but also the millions of people born under the sign of Virgo as well. Wouldnt be too enlightening, would it?!
Well, thats it for now.
Remember "Always nourish the soul...and...RomanceIt!"

If you're interested in learning more about the type of work that Linda does, you can visit her at
or you can take a look at her book "Discovering Your Soul Mission " ONLY read it if you are truly READY to embrace your DESTINED PATH and are looking forward to a life of complete FULFILLMENT!
The Virgo Soul Virtual Mall
If you're wondering what to get that Practical Healer of yours, then you have to visit this enlightening online store I found.
Among the endless lists of online merchants, this one is a great match for the Virgo Soul.
If you read my Virgo "Who a I?" page, then you already know that those with a Soul Potential Virgo strive to be organized, analytical, logical, and precise. Their deepest desire is to serve humanity and to live a health, balanced life.
At Learning Strategies you will find just what the Virgo soul needs, especially in the intellectual intellectual department. Founded in 1981 as a consulting and training company, Learning Strategies Corporation has evolved into a premier provider of self-improvement, educational, and health-related programs. They have mastered the art of soulful, mind-fulfilling learning -- something that the Virgo soul can truly appreciate.
Take a look at this one of a kind company by clicking on the banner below.
Now, what do you think your Virgo soul mate would say if you handed him the ability to heal others using an ancient Chinese practice called "Qigong?" "Cool!?" I'd guess probably a bit more than that. ;-)
If you'd like to take a look at this soulful gift, click on the banner below.
Even if you're currently not looking for a gift, I'd visit the store anyway. I think you'll really like what you find.
Plus, who knows...maybe youll even save yourself some time and aggravation when you really will need to find that perfectly unique-practical-productive-efficient-and-health-inspiring gift just in time for next Fridays celebration. ;-)
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