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Zodiac compatibility:
Two souls with one mission

Using the secret wisdom of the Nodes to create a lifelong zodiac compatibility is one of the SMARTEST things that you will ever do!

Zodiac Compatibility: Greeting for GENTLEMEN

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To Get Your Zodiac Compatibility Report!

So...You're Interested in Zodiac Compatibility...I don't blame you.

Astrology is one of the most fascinating subjects that I’ve ever that has opened my eyes to an entirely new universe.

Not only did this ancient science allow me explore the uncharted territories of 'me', but it also provided the insights necessary for me to understand those near and dear to me -->

"Having a voice from God to answer all of your difficult questions would be a dream come true, wouldn't it?'

Most people, when looking for zodiac compatibility, are looking for a 'psychic' to tell them that their significant other is 'the one' for them. Having a voice from God to answer all of your difficult questions would be a dream come true, wouldn't it?

Unfortunately, astrology is neither a 'psychic' nor God. But, what it is an artful and creative science that can supply you with the tools necessary to come to your own, individual conclusions.

Zodiac Compatibility: The goal

Zodiac Compatibility: What's the Goal?

The goal is to understand the real meaning behind zodiac compatibility and to:

•use the ancient wisdom of the zodiac to learn about yourself and your relationships

•explore both your own and your partner's needs

•find the differences and similarities that both you and your partner share so that you can better understand and accept them

•discover ways for both of you to support each others growth

Ultimately, my hope is to bring you closer toward real zodiac compatibility which is 'true acceptance'.

You're probably wondering how I'm going to accomplish this. Well, I'm going to tell you a secret. Then once that's done, the rest will fall into place.

Zodiac Compatibility: What's the Secret?

Here it is: The SECRET to a long-lasting and mutually-fulfilling union is the SOUL MISSION.

Yes, you heard correctly, the soul mission. Each individual has a soul mission, or a soul potential, to fulfill in this lifetime.

And if two people make a continuous effort to learn about, accept, and support each other's soul journey, they will not only grow as individuals, but will also materialize a soul-mated life that even the stars couldn't have predicted. Now that's zodiac compatibility!

If you're wondering what a soul mission is and how it can lead you to zodiac compatibility, I'm glad. Because that's exactly what I plan to tell you.

Zodiac Compatibility: Aquarius "What exactly is a soul mission and how does it relate to zodiac compatibility?"

To understand what a soul mission is and how it relates to zodiac compatibility, we first need to take a step back and discuss the principles behind Spiritual (aka Karmic) astrology.

Karmic astrology is based on the idea that we've all been here before -- that we all have had hundreds, if not thousands of previous lifetimes as the soul entity that lives in this present-day reality.

The only other concept that even closely resembles this idea is reincarnation.

Ancient cultures (and a few present-day ones) are based on the belief that a soul spends lifetimes learning about and evolving toward its ideal state of 'perfection'.

It is only then that the soul considers itself spiritually whole and no longer needs to reincarnate back to earth.

FYI: Your belief or disbelief in the theory of reincarnation is not what's important here. What is important, however, is that you keep an open mind and try to understand the concepts that underlie its meaning.

I'm pretty sure that sometime during your life, you've contemplated the meaning of your existence and wondered what exactly has brought you here.

How do I know this? Well for one thing, you're here reading about soul missions and zodiac compatibility, aren't you?

I promise that you're not alone. All of us, at one time or another, especially if we're in our thirties or older, have asked the same questions.

The desire to know the why's, what's, and when's of life is a natural curiosity about the human existence. And it is this very mystery that Karmic astrology can help us solve.

"The key to solving this mystery resides in the nodes of the moon."

Nodes have the power to reveal the unique journey a person is on – both as an individual and as a partner. Nodes also pave the way to 'real' zodiac compatibility.

Learning more about the moon’s nodes and their unique positioning in your and your mate's astrological charts, can give you the power to transform your life into anything that you can envision.

The only thing that you must do is give the nodes a chance!

Learn as much as you can about the characteristics of both your and your partner's nodes to open the doorway to your mutually satisfying future together. This future is eternal zodiac compatibility.

One way or another, life will nudge both of you to grow toward your soul missions.

Sometimes your experiences will be pleasant and sometimes they won't. But imagine what a gift it would be to have your best friend by your side as you travel through those unpredictable, and sometimes rough, terrains.

Someone who can understand what you're going through and who's willing to support the journey that you're on. How precious would that be?

That is the definition of true zodiac compatibility. And that is the type of connection I want to help you achieve.

To start, I'd like for you to look over the pages that describe your mate's north and south node positions. As you do that, try to identify and understand the hurdles that your partner is facing and see if you can think of ways to help him on his journey.

Keep in mind, however, that you could be getting a secret glimpse at forces that the individual himself might not yet be aware of, so please be patient. Begin slowly by introducing him to elements that connect to his north node and look for clues that point to a positive response.

Over time, your support and guidance could prove to be the greatest gifts that you give your mate and yourself. So read up, take notes, and experiment. Yes, you will have to do a bit of work. But isn't your soul mate worth it?

If your answer is "yes" but you don't have enough time to devote to this undertaking, I have a suggestion for you. Consider ordering a spiritual path or zodiac comaptibility report. Both reports provide quick, thorough, and insightful details about the questions at hand and can prove to be quite useful during those pressing moments when you just need to know NOW. ;-)

Still here? Good for you. I'm proud of you. This means that you still want to read a bit more about zodiac compatibility and how it relates to the nodes of the moon. If that's the case, you can continue on by going to the zodiac signs page or visit the Astro Compatibility Tool Box below.

If you choose to visit the zodiac signs page, you'll find exactly the information that you're looking for - an indepth discussion of the relationship between nodal positions and zodiac compatibility.

However, if you choose to skip that discussion and instead go directly to the tool box, you'll find individual sign links that will lead you to the information pertaining to your specific sign of interest.

The direction you choose is of course up to you. But remember, the more you know, the easier it will be to build the truly compatible relationship that you've always dreamed of. So please choose wisely. ;-)

Astro Compatibility TOOL BOX

Since I'm the one introducing you to this new concept, I figured I would begin by sharing with you my north node position which happens to be in the sign of Aquarius. It's only fair, don't you think? ;-)

Go ahead. Take a peek inside my soul.

Zodiac Compatibility: Who Am I?

Zodiac Compatibility: Aquarius

North Node in Aquarius:

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Music

8. Countries, Cities, and Colors

To find out what sign your or your loved one's North Node is in, go to the North Node Data Chart.

Once you're there, locate the date interval that includes the date of birth that you're interested in, look at the North Node sign that’s just to the right of it, and then just click on the appropriate link below. The only other thing that will be left to do is just read, read, and read some more!

Zodiac Compatibility: Aries

North Node in Aries

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Taurus

North Node in Taurus

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Gemini

North Node in Gemini

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Cancer

North Node in Cancer

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Leo

North Node in Leo

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Virgo

North Node in Virgo

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Libra

North Node in Libra

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Scorpio

North Node in Scorpio

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Sagittarius

North Node in Sagittarius

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Capricorn

North Node in Capricorn

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

Zodiac Compatibility: Pisces

North Node in Pisces

1. Who am I?

2. Crystals and Stones

3. Home Design

4. Symbols

5. Foods

6. Aromas

6. Countries, Cities, and Colors

...other intriguing articles coming TUNED!

To find out more about the type of work that Linda does, you can visit her at or you can take a look at her book -- "Discovering Your Soul Mission".

To offer me a tiny gift from your heart...


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