Zodiac Signs: " Windows of the soul”
Important disclaimer: If you're not interested in the relationship between zodiac signs, zodiac compatibility, and the nodes of the moon, don't read any further. I don't want you to waste your time.

Note: 'Special Greeting for Gentlemen only!' click here
Zodiac Signs: What's the Difference?
Glad you asked. ;-)
Most people (I hate to generalize but in this case I must) assume that the only difference between each of the zodiac signs is the set of characteristics that describes each of the sun signs. This however, is not necessarily the case.
How many times have you heard someone say (or maybe even have said yourself), "Hey...that description fits both of us...there's just no truth to this stuff!"
Often, I'm sure. Personally, I've heard those words more times than I care to recall. And you want to know why? Because that's the only conclusion that makes sense to people after reading astrological interpretations based solely on individual sun sign traits.
Reading fun little antidotes about you can be quite entertaining. But how accurate and useful is this information if millions of other people are born under the same zodiac sign?
Not too useful, I agree. Want know why? Because those interpretations are missing a huge chunk of the zodiac puzzle; the fact that each zodiac sign takes on a new mask depending on the planets and houses it occupies within a particular chart.
Remember: An astrological chart interpretation is not based on 12 zodiac signs alone. In addition to the zodiac signs, a zodiac chart also consists of 12 houses, 12 cusps, 10 planets, and 2 nodes of the moon. Not to mention a few asteroids and a part of fortune. So depending on an individual’s date, time, and place of birth, the position of each of the above elements will shift within a chart, and as a result, will create a completely unique and personalized reading.
Imagine how many combinations exist because of those variations. Millions! Makes more sense now? ;-)
Gradually, I'll introduce you to all of these interpretive elements and will explain how each plays a role in your own as well as your partner's life. But for now, I'd like to begin our journey with the discussion of the nodes of the moon and the impact each can have on your relationship when occupying a particular sign of the zodiac.
Often overlooked and rarely discussed in connection with soul mated love and zodiac compatibility, the nodes of the moon reflect the potential for long-lasting intimate fulfillment and soulful connectedness. They are points that reveal where an individual is coming from (on a spiritual level) and where he is headed...knowledge that can help point him and his partner in one direction, assisting them to move simultaneously on one path.
I realize that you might be feeling a bit disappointed because I decided to focus on the relationship between zodiac signs and the nodes of the moon. I'm sorry for that.
But I truly believe that this information will help you walk away with a greater understanding of yourself, your mate and your relationship. Plus, you don’t really need me for the sun sign stuff...there are tons of other sites oozing to part with that kind of information.
Keep in mind, however, that the zodiac signs used for interpreting the nodes of the moon are the same zodiac signs that describe the sun signs. So really, the only difference is in the interpretation and use of the information at hand.
Now that we got all that stuff out of the way, we're ready to begin. However, before we proceed with the individual zodiac sign interpretations, we need to first consider the following two questions:
"What’s the difference between a North Node and a Sun Sign?"
"How does each alter the interpretation of zodiac compatibility between two individuals?"
Sun signs tell us who we are and north nodes tell us who we want to become...and that's the real difference. Ok...so maybe it's not that clean cut. Let me explain.
"An individual's sun sign represents the core of his individuality and personality."
It governs his distinctive style and way of being as well as his overall potential. A sun sign is like a sketch done on canvas before all the colors, shades, and particulars are filled in.
To give you a better visual, imagine the sun sign, together with the other planets that comprise an astrological chart, as an ensemble of actors putting on a play, each with their own separate roles yet with one story to tell.
Well, the north node is that story, or I should say, the moral of the story -- the reason why all the actors came together in the first place. And that is why I choose to focus my discussion on the Nodes. It is they that are the ‘true’ reason why we are all here.
"North nodes are the real drivers behind zodiac compatibility and life."
Tabloid astrology chooses to focus on the sun sign aspect of astrology, especially when discussing zodiac compatibility, because it is the one planet that most people seem to be familiar with.
But by making predictions about zodiac compatibility based solely on a person's sun-sign, they have chosen to ignore the fact that people are like those very sketches that I described earlier – initially resembling each other in shape and form, but ultimately ending up completely unrecognizable and irreproducible masterpieces.
After all, they (and we) are all works of the artist and his imaginative interpretation of reality. Don't you think? Well, that's my take on it anyway.
I completely understand if you still feel a bit uncomfortable using the Nodes of the moon to build a zodiac compatibility between yourself and partner. After all, it's not such an easy concept to master -- powerful, but definitely not easy.
There's no need to feel overwhelmed though. If you need some more time to get used to the nodes and for now would rather have a professional interpret the details for you, consider ordering a
spiritual path report.
It's a great place to begin your journey of exploration; both across your own canvas as well as your partner's.
Zodiac Signs: What's the Point?
"What is the difference between a North Node and a South Node?"
"How does each relate to zodiac compatibility?"
According to my friend and respected karmic astrologer, Linda Brady in her book "Discovering Your Soul Mission ", the North and South Nodes represent a duality between the past and the future.
I like to think of them as two ends of the same rope...one (the South Node) pulling toward outworn patterns of past lifetimes and the second (North Node) pulling toward the hidden potential of the future.
I'm always curious about which side will win. ;-) OK...back to what Linda was saying.
"The South Node is the point where we are more likely to take the easy way out."
It is an area of life where we rely upon past life talents and habits to keep us stuck in a stagnant pattern of existence. Simply put, the South Node is seen as the area where we are working off karma in this lifetime.
Take a moment: Think about your own life for a minute. Are there actions that you continue to take every day even though they no longer feel right to you? Do you keep telling yourself that you must make a change in a certain area of your life yet can’t seem to do it? Do you fall back on old habits anytime life throws a curve ball at you?
Well, if you've answered yes to any of these questions, you’re probably falling back on your South Node.
"The North Node is the point where we emerge from the past and move into new territory"
It is an area of our life where we become consciously aware of our past life lessons and are given the chance to improve upon that existence.
Another word, the North Node signifies the type of experiences our soul strives for in order to grow spiritually in this lifetime. Again offering us the opportunity to work out our past life karma.
Take a moment: Think about your own life for a minute. Is there a certain direction that keeps calling your name? Is there something that you do or think about that elates your entire being for no special reason? Have you been consciously or unconsciously (I know, you don't know what happens in your unconscious mind...but maybe you can feel it) avoiding an aspect of your life because you are too afraid of what the outcome might be?
Well, if you've answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve probably gotten a glimpse of your North Node direction and where you should be headed in life.
Back to the original question – what's the point of all this?
"The point is acceptance and true zodiac compatibility!"
Learning to understand and integrate your North Node/South Node polarity and helping your partner do the same, will do wonders for your relationship. Why?
Because you'll just get it! You'll stop nagging each other with the constant BIG ‘Y’ QUESTIONS – why are you doing that? Why aren't you doing that? Why did you say that? Why, why, why? There will be no more of that! You will know why...and so can start looking for better, and definitely more productive, ways of both communicating and loving.
Just remember – don't be afraid of the unknown. It is the invisible that holds the key to your success and happiness!
Now, to get back to what we were talking about...
Zodiac Signs: What's My Sign?
Like the rest of the planets in your astrological chart, the north and south nodes occupy one of the 12 zodiac signs (always opposing signs). For instance, since my north Node is in the sign of Aquarius, my south Node automatically falls into the sign of Leo.
You can find the north node and south node positions by simply looking up your (or your partner's) date of birth in the
North Node Data Chart
All you have to do is just locate the date and you'll have both the north node (soul potential) and south node (soul pattern) positions right at your fingertips.
Zodiac Signs and Zodiac Compatibility: What's the Grand Plan?
The zodiac sign links located in the toolbox will take you to the pages that describe each of the north node signs. Don't panic if you don't know the sign of your (and your mate's) north node.
I will provide all the information that you need. (Remember: the zodiac sign descriptions that you read in the newspaper and magazines are those of your sun sign, which may or may not correspond to the description of your North Node sign).
All I want you to do is read each description and think of ways in which the both of you can sustain each other through your mutual voyage of love.
I want you to use the astrological tools you now have at your disposal to create your own unique and beautiful version of zodiac compatibility.
I will offer many tips, ideas, and recommendations to help you create a lifelong zodiac compatibility that will support both of your soul missions but you must keep in mind that astrology is only a symbolic language, a mere representation of the possibilities.
"Know that the both of you are individuals with your own unique souls and that NO ONE can predict your future for you."
Only your souls hold the key to ‘YOUR TRUTH,’ a truth that only the both of you can see and live.
For each of the north node signs, I will provide a general description of that sign as well as a brief overview of the elements that are ruled by it. We'll go over things such as:
• crystals and stones,
• home design preferences,
• countries and cities,
• colors,
• foods,
• music,
• aromas,
• symbols.
I hope that you'll find this information useful for not only getting closer to your partner's soul, but also for planning extraordinary romantic moments, buying individually tailored romantic gift, and living that magnificently spiritual romantic life of your dreams...
"Live the life you were meant to live...RomanceIt!"
The Zodiac Signs Tool Box
To find out what sign your or your loved one's North Node is in, go to the
North Node Data Chart.
Once you're there, locate the date interval that includes the date of birth that you're interested in, look at the North Node sign that's just to the right of it, and then just click on the appropriate link below.
The only other thing that will be left to do is just read, read, and read some more.
Yes, you're right, Aquarius is out of place. I just figured I'd introduce myself first. ;-)

North Node in Aquarius:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Music
8. 3 C's - Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Aries:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Taurus:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Gemini:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Cancer:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Leo:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Virgo:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Libra:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Scorpio:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Sagittarius:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Capricorn:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
7. Countries, Cities, and Colors

North Node in Pisces:
1. Who am I?
2. Crystals and Stones
3. Home Design
4. Symbols
5. Food
6. Aromas
6. Countries, Cities, and Colors
...other intriguing articles coming soon...so...STAY TUNED!
To find out more about the type of work that Linda does, you can visit her at
or you can take a look at her book -- "Discovering Your Soul Mission". ONLY read it if you are truly READY to follow your DESTINED PATH!
Now, if you're as impatient as I am, and want a bit of spiritual insight right now, try this free numerology reading.
You'll not only discover your life's path and soul's urge, but will also get a glimpse of the outer mask you show the rest of the world and much, much more.
Where else can you get such VALUABLE information? You're right, only here! Try it...it'll be fun!
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