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Love Horoscopes of Seduction…
Tips for Seducing (and holding on to) Your Gemini Man

“Use the zodiac tips below to seduce your Gemini man…and learn to write your own love horoscopes for years to come!”

The picture is a caricature of a gold stick figure representing the Gemini man. The Gemini sign man is standing casually holding a big phone to his ear. This symbolized the

Here’s what you need to do to GET & KEEP a Gemini man….
Be intellectually stimulating
Be able to socialize freely with his friends
Be intriguing
Be flirtatious
Be ready to communicate via phone, emails, letters, and lastly in-person
Be prepared for (and enjoy) group outings rather than romantic dinners for two ;-)
Accept inconsistency
Accept constant change of opinion and plans
Be articulate, amusing, and witty
Be flexible
Be inquisitive and lively
Appear interesting and mysterious
Have lots of hobbies and interests (preferably that don’t include him!)
Be an independent schmoozer
Get along with his friends and family
Reinvent your look as often as possible
Keep up to date on world events
Have goals
Stand up for what you believe
Continue flirting (with him and with his friends)
Keep playing and keep him guessing
Remain an enigma to him
Be spontaneous
Be understanding
Be desirable (especially to his friends)
Remain a challenge

Here’s what you can do to LOSE your Gemini man…
Be boring
Be serious and gloomy
Focus on the physical rather than intellectual
Be overly-possessive
Demand his undivided attention ALL the time
Throw a fit every time he invites his friends to join you for dinner
Expect constant honesty
Anticipate unwavering fidelity
Be intellectually un-stimulating
Insist on consistent behavior
Let him read you like an open book
Be emotionally clingy
Be predictable
Make your life revolve totally around him
Demand passionate expression of his love
Share all your secrets with him
Drop your hobbies
Dissolve your friendships
Don’t get along with his family and friends
Stay by his side during parties and other social gatherings

Well ladies…there you have it – the do’s and don’t of seducing your Gemini man. It’ll take some work to entice that Gemini guy of yours, but I know you can do it. Just keep one thing in mind -- don’t be an imposter. Be real and make sure that the girl this guy wants is really you. Pretences will fool for only so long.

If you find that you need a bit of help writing those love horoscopes of yours, think about ordering the spiritual path report . This report will analyze your Gemini man’s chart and tell you all there is to know about his hidden thoughts, yearnings, and needs. Priceless information to have if you truly desire to know someone inside and out.

Another option you have (if you have access to his birth information), is to order a zodiac compatibility report. There's nothing like having a professionally written love horoscope guide to assist you in deciding how well you and your partner mesh as a couple.

However, no matter what course of action you decide to take, just make sure that you collect enough ammunition to catch him and keep him! (Sorry gents) ;-)

Seduce, seduce, and seduce my fair maidens…
Be stimulating…be mysterious…and be fun…
And this man of all men will surely be yours.

Mesmerize his heart and his mind!


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