Love Horoscopes of Seduction… Tips for Seducing (and holding on to) Your Leo Man
“Use the zodiac tips below to seduce your Leo man…and learn to write your own love horoscopes for years to come!”
Here’s what you need to do to GET & KEEP a Leo man….
Be beautiful, rich, or successful (ideally all three!) ;-)
Know who you are
Know how to dress
Know how to entertain
Have your own, unique style
Be classy and appreciate the finer things in life
Be well-rounded and cultured
Be passionate about hobby/hobbies
Be accomplished and respected
Have an influential circle of acquaintances
Be willing to occasionally be displayed as a trophy
Be regal yet understand that “the throne” belongs to him
Indulge him
Pamper him
Praise him
Appreciate him
Admire and support him
Be willing to be dined, wined, and romanced
Be willing to entice him with lingerie and seductive body language
Be ready for frequent, passionate sex
Be determined and confident
Be warm and playful
Love kids
Here’s what you can do to LOSE your Leo man…
Humiliate him in public
Have no sense of style
Be cold and unaffectionate
Dislike kids
Have no goals
Be insecure
Be a loner with no friends
Dislike parties and get-togethers
Be unfaithful
Be disrespectful
Be average
Be stingy
Try to outshine him
Stomp on his ego
Be a couch potato
Let yourself go physically, mentally, and/or spiritually
Make him feel insignificant
Deny him sex
Reject his romantic advances
Criticize him
Be unreliable and dishonest
Be manipulating and controlling
Be insincere
Be flirtatious (with someone other than him)
Well ladies…there you have it – the do’s and don’t of seducing your Leo man. It’ll take some work to entice that Leo guy of yours, but I know you can do it. Just keep one thing in mind -- don’t be an imposter. Be real and make sure that the girl this guy wants is really you. Pretences will fool for only so long.
Now, if you know that you’re the one for him but find that you need a bit of help writing those love horoscopes of yours, think about ordering the
spiritual path report .
This report will analyze your Leo man’s chart and tell you all there is to know about his hidden thoughts, yearnings, and needs. Priceless information to have if you truly desire to know someone inside and out.
Another option you have (if you have access to his birth information), is to order a
zodiac compatibility report.
There's nothing like having a professionally written love horoscope guide to assist you in deciding how well you and your partner mesh as a couple.
However, no matter what course of action you decide to take, just make sure that you collect enough ammunition to catch him and keep him! (Sorry gents) ;-)
Seduce, seduce, and seduce my fair maidens…
Be regal…be magnificent…and be desirable…
And this man of all men will surely be yours.
Just remember to forgive his overbearing ways once in a while…after all; he is the king of the jungle! ;-)
Mesmerize his heart…and his mind! RomanceIt!
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