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Love Horoscopes of Seduction…
Tips for Seducing (and holding on to) Your Libra Man

“Use the zodiac tips below to seduce your Libra man…and learn to write your own love horoscopes for years to come!”

The picture is of two gold figures talking where on has his back turned and arms crossed. Symbolically, the conversation represents the Libra sign’s need to create harmony in relationships.

Here’s what you need to do to GET & KEEP a Libra man…
Be beautiful
Be artistic
Be patient
Be forgiving (Of what? Of his flirting, of course ;-))
Be sociable and intelligent
Be cultured and sophisticated
Be charming and cooperative
Have a sense of style
Be well-groomed
Be well-dressed
Know how to sincerely flatter him
Be feminine
Behave fairly
Have tastefully decorated surroundings
Be able to keep peace and harmony at home
Enjoy social events
Be able to schmooze with his friends
Be surrounded by a desirable circle of acquaintances
Be supportive
Be encouraging
Be understanding
Be affectionate
Consistently reassure him of your love and devotion

Here’s what you can do to LOSE your Libra man…
Be abusive verbally or physically
Be demanding
Be aggressive
Be loud
Be crude
Consistently attempt to invade his privacy
Be disruptive to his inner balance
Shove reality in his face
Be sloppy
Loathe exercise
Be vulgar
Be argumentative
Be cheap
Be moody
Be irrational
Cause trouble
Put your friends ahead of him
Be independent and self-reliant
Ignore him
Leave him alone for extended periods of time
Never compliment him
Criticize him
Be pushy
Be inpatient
Be gloomy
Be whiny
Be inattentive to your appearance
Have no sense of style
Be uncultured
Be a hermit
Despise social events

Well ladies…there you have it – the do’s and don’t of seducing your Libra man. It’ll take some work to entice that Libra guy of yours, but I know you can do it. Just keep one thing in mind -- don’t be an imposter. Be real and make sure that the girl this guy wants is really you. Pretences will fool for only so long.

Now, if you know that you’re the one for him but find that you need a bit of help writing those love horoscopes of yours, think about ordering the spiritual path report . This report will analyze your Libra man’s chart and tell you all there is to know about his hidden thoughts, yearnings, and needs. Priceless information to have if you truly desire to know someone inside and out.

Another option you have (if you have access to his birth information), is to order a zodiac compatibility report. There's nothing like having a professionally written love horoscope guide to assist you in deciding how well you and your partner mesh as a couple.

However, no matter what course of action you decide to take, just make sure that you collect enough ammunition to catch him and keep him! (Sorry gents) ;-)

Seduce, seduce, and seduce my fair maidens…
Be charming…be agreeable…and be classy…
And this man of all men will surely be yours.

Just remember to forgive his indecisive ways once in a while…after all; he is the perfect embodiment of scales of balance! ;-)

Mesmerize his heart…and his mind!


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