The romantic poem: A 'wordly' beauty that can survive eternity
Ahhh...the romantic poem...what better way to express your love then through a few rhythmical words that play the notes of your heart.

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I've always wondered what it is about a poem that speaks to us so loud and clear. Could it be the loosely tied words that leave room for our imaginations? Or maybe it's the hypnotic allure behind the symbolic representation of our innermost thoughts and dreams? Whatever the answer is, and most likely it's different for each and every one of us, I think we can still agree that a poems mystical powers are true and strong and will forever be welcomed into our hearts and souls.
I'd like to share a poem with you that I read not too long ago called "The Shipfitter's Wife". Something about that poem spoke to me on a profound level. At first, I wasn't sure what it was, but then I realized that it was the 'realness' of it. Usually, when we think of a romantic poem, we think of a beautiful, lyrical, and sometimes gushy interpretation of our affections. However, that's not all that a romantic poem stands for. In addition to all that gush-and-mush, a poem also serves as a reminder of the sensuality present in the trueness and harshness of life a reminder that we can all use once in a while. Don't you think? OK...enough suspense. Here's the poem:
The Shipfitter's Wife I loved him most when he came home from work, his fingers still curled from fitting pipe, his denim shirt ringed with sweat and smelling of salt, the drying weeds of the ocean. I would go to him where he sat on the edge of the bed, his forehead anointed with grease, his cracked hands jammed between his thighs, and unlace the steel-toed boots, stroke his ankles,
his calves, the pads and bones of his feet. Then I'd open his clothes and take
the whole day inside me-the ship's
gray sides, the miles of copper pipe,
the voice of the first man clanging
off the hull's silver ribs, spark of lead kissing metal, the clamp, the winch, the white fire of the torch, the whistle and the long drive home. -Dorianne Laux
Build your own 'live' romantic poem as I did with "The Shipfitter's wife". Read on to hear my story: That's it! The romantic poem that had me thinking for days. Every time I read it, I feel as though I'm right there in their bedroom
watching the wife slowly and softly caressing her husbands worries away. I think it's so beautiful. I was especially touched by the line that reads, "Then I'd open his clothes and take the whole day inside me." Every time I read that sentence, I feel like crying. Dont worry -- it's the 'happy' kind of tears. To me, that line represents true love -- the kind of love that survives and lives through it all. And isn't that the kind of love all of us dream of? I realize that at first, this poem might not seem as the ideal romantic poem to give to your love. But, I bet you that once you try it, you'll be very pleasantly surprised. I know I was. A couple of days after I read the poem, I decided to inscribe it on Jay's handkerchief and put it in his coat pocket. Kudos for me! Because that evening when he came home, there was a look in his eyes that Ive never seen before, not even when he told me that he loved me for the first time. I remember clearly as he came into the kitchen and placed his hand on the back of my neck -- slowly turning me until I was facing him. Normally, 'my honey' is a very funny and witty guy, always interjecting sarcastic comments here and there. That night, however, he was completely silent! As we stood there in the kitchen staring into each others eyes, goosebumps covered my entire body. I was thrilled, nervous, and aroused all at once. Then he placed his hands gently on my face and gave me a kiss that absorbed all of me; 'taking my whole day inside of him.' isn't that romantic?
Write it!, recite it!, sing it!, or act it! your call... The romantic poem above is just one of many. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such 'word creations' out there to choose from. That's the easy part. What sometimes takes a little effort is remembering to use all the valuable resources at your disposal to fill (and over-fill) your life with love and romance. But I have faith in you YOU CAN DO IT! My suggestion is to begin by placing a romantic poem in his cup, on his mirror, under his pillow, in his briefcase, on the windshield...and anywhere else that he's likely to see it. Then just sit and wait for the kisses to roll in! Greedy? Want more than just kisses???Don't worry. The surprises that await you will not only satisfy the naughtiest of your cravings but will most likely surpass them as well!
The Poet's Corner:
A resource library full of romantic poems waiting just for you. If you're not sure where to find the perfect romantic poem, don't worry. Check out 'The poet's corner' won't be dissapointed! If you'd like to get a feel for my favorites, then please be a bit patient. As we speak, Im putting together an extensive directory of my favorite romantic poems. Once I'm done, you'll have that resource at your disposal as well. With so many ideas at your fingertips, I have no doubt that you'll be able to find that ideal 'expression' of your love for your love. All you have to do for now is focus on yourself and your partner and use those abundant 'words of life' to create romance in your life. I really hope that you do! Always keep on talking and loving...RomanceIt!
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